Have you ever entertained the idea of throwing a themed garden party but didn’t know where to begin?  Throwing an herb garden party is a creative way to have fun with your friends and make something that can be enjoyed time and time again. Mason jar herb gardens are so quick and easy to make and are money savers too! How often have you purchased a package of fresh herbs at the grocery store and paid a lot of money, only to throw most of it away because it wilted in the refrigerator? And cooking with fresh herbs adds so much more depth of flavor as compared to dry herbs!

The Process

Since you are inviting friends to your herb garden party, serving dishes that highlight the herbs they will be planting is a great way to give them inspiration. Start with four herbs; this gives enough variety without being overwhelming. When setting up your backyard table for your garden party lunch, stay with your herb garden theme by using rustic ceramic tableware and fresh herbs as centerpieces. 

Menu ideas: 

With a little bit of research, you can easily find delicious recipes that incorporate any herbs you will be planting. However, here are a few of my favorites:

Cocktail: Refreshing Peach Sangria using 1 bottle Moscato, chilled, ½ cup peach liqueur, 1 cup peach juice, 2 cups sliced peaches, strawberries, and whole blueberries. Combine all and stir. Serve over ice.

Lunch: Leafy green salad with cilantro, drizzled with balsamic vinaigrette. 

Oven-roasted vegetables, such as carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, etc. Prior to roasting, toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary, and thyme. 

Pasta with basil and kale pesto.

Rustic bread. 

Dessert: Vegan ice cream. 

After enjoying lunch, it’s time to get the herb garden started! No need to go to the trouble of drilling drainage holes at the bottom of the jars when using the materials listed and following the simple directions. The materials you will be using can be given to each guest in repurposed boxes to give it a rustic flair. 

Materials that you will need to create a Mason Jar Herb Garden: 

  • Large, quart-size mason jars, 4 for each guest.  Mason jars have a rustic style, are readily available and inexpensive, and can be reused. 
  • Small rocks or gravel to fill approximately 1-2 inches per jar to help with drainage. 
  • Horticulture charcoal to absorb excess water from the roots, preventing root rot, mold growth, and odor. It can be purchased at gardening centers. 
  • Potting mix. 
  • Herb plants to transplant:  
    • Sweet basil: sweet basil, with its wonderful fragrance, is used in pesto and in many Italian and Asian dishes.
    • Thyme: common thyme (there are many varieties), is often used in Mediterranean dishes and a great compliment to many vegetables.
    • Rosemary: goes well with grains, vegetables, and even infused in oils.
    • Cilantro: something that many people don’t know is that cilantro leaves and coriander seeds come from the same plant and the entire plant is edible. Cilantro is one of the most widely eaten herbs in the world and pairs well with salsas, curries, salads, legumes, vegetables, and much more. 
    • Or any 4 that you choose; one of each herb per guest.
  • Labels that can be adhered to the jars.
  • Permanent marking pens. 

Now let’s get started! 

Since the mason jars will not have drainage holes, it’s important to prep them so that the roots do not rot. 

1. Add 1-2 inches of small rocks or gravel to the bottom of each mason jar.

2. Add about an inch of horticulture charcoal. 

3. Add potting mix. Don’t fill all the way to the top since you still need to transplant the herbs.

4. Gently take the herbs out of containers. 

5. Pull away any excess soil from the herb so that it fits in the opening of the mason jar. Gently break up the root system a little before replanting; this allows the roots to stretch out. 

6. Plant each herb so that the base of the herb is even with the top of the mason jar. 

7. Top off with a potting mix. 

8. Pat down so it is securely planted. 

9. Label each jar. 

10. Water. Soil should be moist without overwatering. Stick a finger into soil an inch deep and if soil is dry, it’s time to water again. 

11. Place herbs where they have good access to sunlight, watch them grow and start enjoying! The more you clip, the more they’ll grow! 

The great thing about using mason jars is that there’s no need to have garden space. Just place near a sunny window in the kitchen and you’ll have wonderfully fragrant, delicious tasting herbs at your fingertips without having to spend a lot of money at the grocery store.  So, the next time you want to host a garden party, make it an herb garden party!